Executive Committee

SL.NO Name of the Faculty Member ISTE Membership No Position in the ISTE Executive Body
1 Dr. A.V. Prathap Kumar LM-50332 Chairman
2 Mr. M.Mastanaiah Chowdary LM-15994 Secretary cum Treasurer
3 Mr. G. Chinna LM-101557 Member
4 Mr. M. Sreedhar LM-101561 Member
5 Mr. M.Krishna Reddy LM-101567 Member
6 Mr. SMd. Ismail LM-101583 Member
7 Mr.K. Sreenivasulu LM-101593 Member


About ISTE:

The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) is a national, professional, non-profit making society registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860. The major objective of ISTE is to assist and contribute in the production and development of top quality professional engineers and technicians needed by the industries and other organizations.p>

ISTE Faculty Chapter:

ISTE Faculty Chapter at BITS, Kurnool commenced from March 2015 with 52 life members. These members of ISTE Faculty Chapter serve as a strong foundation for this ISTE Chapter. The chapter received the Best Chapter Award from both Andhra Pradesh (AP) & Telangana(TS) states for the year 2016.


Our Principal Dr. L. Ramaprasad Reddy receiving the BEST Chapter Award at Ludhiana , Punjab.

Chairman : Dr. A. V. Prathap Kumar

Secretary cum Tresurer : Sri M Mastanaiah Chowdary (Assistant Professor, Dept of H&S)

Contact detail:

Sri M Mastanaiah Chowdary
Secretary cum Treasurer
Mob: +91 98 85 794 981, +91 98 49 798 875
email: [email protected]

ISTE Student Chapter: ISTE student chapter at BITS, commenced in the year 2015. It has 798 members at present. During this academic year the enrolment is in progress. The ISTE Student level National convention was organized in BITS campus for the year 2015-16.

ISTE Awards:BITS students received the Best B.Tech. Project Award ( Compressed Air Vehicle ) for both Andhra Pradesh (AP) & Telangana (TS) states for the year 2017.
BITS Polytechnic student Kum. D. Vedaswini received the BEST OUTGOING Student Award from both Andhra Pradesh (AP) & Telangana (TS) states for the year 2016.


Students receiving the BEST B.Tech.Project Award


Best B.Tech. Project ( Compressed Air Vehicle ),batch Students with project guides and HOD


Kum. D. Vedaswini receiving the BEST Outgoing Student Award

Faculty Adviser :
Student Secretary cum Treasurer:
Contact Detail:
Faculty Advisor